Sunday, April 11, 2010

Reality TV

You know those moments when you have to ask yourself, “How in the world did I get HERE?”

Such a moment came to me a few days ago sitting on a stool, as make-up was smeared across my cheeks on a creamy wedge of foam; a woman was applying lipstick to my lips as another massaged my guitar hand and insisted that I stop fidgeting…

I’m a fidgetor.

Especially when a beautiful woman is putting lipstick on my lips. She assured me that on camera no one would even know I had it on… Still I squirmed. I had not had make-up applied to my face since I was in Mumbai trying to make money as an extra in Bollywood.

This particular “what the hell” moment was brought to me courtesy of a television show called “American Coffeehouse,” a reality show about singer/songwriters. I was participating in the pilot episode, and was trying to have as much fun with the whole thing as possible.

I sat down on the stool and began to play my music for a crew of producers who looked remarkably bored and anxiously eyed the clock for the next coffee break.

BUT, Just as I began to sing, I remember things like this happen all the time in LA and when you say yes to your yes, you end up with make up and lipstick. I couldn’t help but wonder if Bob Dylan or Paul Simon ever found them-selves in a similar situation!

Soon the camera was rolling and I had to push those thoughts aside and just sing. Regardless of the outcome, I knew that at the very least the experience would get some laughs out of my friends and family, plus, I looked damned good in the make up called “caramel” (unfortunately when I licked my lips it wasn’t as sweet as the real stuff!)

I did my thing on stage and had a great time. It helped that my friend’s dad Howard Wexler ( was filming the thing and got me the spot (thanks Howard!!!!).

Not sure what happens next with this show but I say YES to dreaming big!

Hope to see you at a show soon!