Friday, March 12, 2010

Another Day in LA, or How I learned to Love Living in my Truck

Another Day in LA…


How I learned to Love Living in my Truck

Car horns sound on crowded freeways, engine stream and street lights glow bright as each person in this city of angels reaches for something, a thing that no one can really put their finger on or articulate into words…

Los Angeles is many things to many people.

My eyes see the dirty city manifest for visionaries… If you have a vision or a dream and commit your life to that goal or idea; people, opportunities, and affirmations come along that help you reach it.

There is infinite potential in this city, and it seems everyone realizes it…

The level of professionalism is so high not only in the music scene, but in everything. People hustle and grind every day; all toting business cards eager to add theirs to my collection, which has reached well over 200…


Los Angeles is a stern teacher and forces all of us wide-eye dreamers to be PRESENT and COMMITED to our call at all times, it is relentless in its discipline and if we fall off even for a brief moment, WHAM, we feel the sticky heat of our own rock bottom.

I often feel suspended by a single thread of dental floss above my own worse fears. Each day I wake up in LA, I sit with the choice to continue on faith, continue to leap for what I want, and dream, and dare to live for, or pack it all up and run.

The longer I stay here, the more it becomes abundantly clear that ACTING OUT IN FAITH IS A PRACTICE IN ITSELF and as we continue to trust intuition, divinity, our CALL, the better we get at making decisions that lead us to the highest self!!!! Lead us to bliss and adventure and fulfillment!

And when we do trust, when we take bolder and bolder steps towards our truth, life becomes this amazing thing, this amazing gift, where each day we are EMPOWERED to create and be a creator of our own story!!

Under the Hollywood sign I starting to believe its more than plastic water bottles, silver screen dreams, and five-dollar coffees out of vending machines…

It’s LA and this feeling of infinity is growing so much stronger everyday!!

I am humbled by it all and so grateful that I get to share this story with you


Tonight as I drift to sleep in the back of “Hermano” my 4-runner of the cosmos and listen to the crashing waves, I am overwhelmed with gratitude that tomorrow I will rise again with a song!


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