Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Road to Redemption

Hello world,

At the beginning of 2010, I packed my truck with five boxes of clothes and beloved books as well as my guitar into the back of my truck to try my luck in Los Angeles.

As I traveled in India over a year ago, it became abundantly clear that my dream and passion; MY CALL was to write songs about these times we are living in and play them to anyone willing to listen.

Most of my travel blog during that journey dealt with the subject of answering our personal CALL in the world; our divine purpose for being on the planet, the idea or reason that gives us hope, our highest aspiration directly from source. As my purpose revealed itself to me on the roads of India, South East Asia and the Middle East, I was inspired to return home and have dared to begin the difficult journey to my dream.

This transformative process is extreme and continues to break me down to the core of who I am and who I want to be. And, although I am no longer in distant lands, my return to my native soil of Los Angeles has inspired some amazing experiences!!

I hope to share with you the good, bad, amazing, and brutal aspects of my journey into Los Angeles as I strive to become the highest aspiration of my being, to embody that which I believe in more than anything else. I want to make my journey an interactive and inspirational dialogue with you, as we seek to become our highest form together!

With love and gratitude I invite you to check out my website, where you will find an archive of my India journey, as well as new songs and continued thoughts along the way as I answer my personal call!!

I look forward to sharing our music and stories soon!

Much LOVE!!!

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